Thursday 8 November 2007

The Flu Flu

There are many enjoyable adventures to be had in London. At the same time, there are the adventures of the not-so-pleasant kind. On Tuesday last week I met Mr. Flu, and he was not genteel at all.

When I left the Idlewild gig Tuesday night (which by the way was even better than their Melbourne show last year), I had a very sore throat. By the time I got home which was 20 minutes later, I had the chills. Snuggling deep into the depths of my doona in warm clothes helped me not. Sleeping fitfully, I woke up around 4 in the morning with a strong pain in my throat. Loch, my flatmate gave me a magical drink. The potion in powder form is Beechams Cold & Flu Hot Lemon & Honey mix. It soothed my throat and I was able to sleep.

The next morning found me exhausted and still very uncomfortable. The day was spent consuming Beechams every few hours. I did have a fever too. Mummy, if you are reading, please skip the next line. And does a fever deter Aakanksha from going SWIMMING? No! I went for my swimming lesson and swam well. The steam room session afterwards helped clear my nose and chest and made it easier for me to breathe. Thursday morning I took the satchets with me to work and after many more mugs of Beechams Friday found me as good as new! Thrilled with my super speedy recovery I was as happy as a spring daffodil. Alas, the joy was not to last.

Friday night found me coughing non-stop. And Saturday, Sunday were spent rolled up in my bed, coughing and wishing my mum was there. I needed pampering. I needed her to cook hot halwa - atleast it would make the suffering more enjoyable. I was falling asleep every few hours and sleeping 10-12 hours at night. Waking up to more coughing. Vicks vaporub tried to help me sleep. I also had an infection in my right ear and was on antibiotics. I thought this could not get worse, I thought wrong.

The ear infection made sure that every time I coughed, it felt as if someone stabbed me in my right ear. I also had a nasty headache and every cough intensified it. Monday morning, I became intolerant to light. Light made my head ache more. I could not read off my computer screen. So I just did what anyone else would.

I spread my doona out flat on my bed. I lay down on top of it at one end, grabbed the edge and proceeded to roll all the way to the other edge, thus cocooning myself beautifully. And then bundled in my doona, I watched Kill Bill and The Godfather.

Mr. Flu. You are mean! Now, I have been officially welcomed in London. I should have got myself jabbed. Thanks, but no thanks. I no longer wish to be acquainted with you.

*cough* *cough*

Saturday 3 November 2007


Was and am too sick to post :(

Friday 2 November 2007


Brighton can be best described as London by the beach. Someone cut a part of London and placed it next to the sea. Instead of a quiet beach town, I found myself in the middle of a busy 'city'.

A city full of the same High Street stores, the same traffic, the same sounds and also similar odd shops.But, it had a beach and a view to boast about.

A beach with a difference too. This was no ordinary sandy beach. Pebbles rule over here.
The beach was lined with boats too. Boats that had once sailed and fished in this sea. Boats that are now filled with grass and weeds.

And like every beach, it had a pier, but a pier with a difference. A pier with arcade games, gambling machines and more. A noisy entertainment centre with the k-ching, k-pow, and k-lang like every major arcade and gambling game centre in a city.

Brighton, you may be loved by many, but I'm sorry to say I shall not come by again.
Our tastes differ greatly.

Thursday 1 November 2007

Random Art Strategically Placed

That's London for you. One fine Sunday morning, I decided to head towards Bath for the Jane Austen Festival. However, as luck would have it, the train tickets were priced through the roof. A placing a pencil on the map of England with my eyes shut made the decision that to Brighton I would head for the day. So be it. The pencil had decided.

At Victoria station, lo and behold, what lay there?

Very random, extremely strategically and purposefully placed art.

London, I love thy constantly making me raise my eyebrows in surprise, surprises.

And what was in Brighton? Tomorrow, I'll tell you that little story.

To see a corresponding post, check Perennial Effervescence!
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