For: Talena, who chose me as runners up for despite the sparse posts.
"It is quite a three pipe problem . . . "
"'The Valley of Fear,'" the lady answered. "That was an expression he has used when I questioned him. 'I have been in the Valley of Fear. I am not out of it yet.' -- 'Are we never to get out of the Valley of Fear?' I have asked him when I have seen him more serious than usual. 'Sometimes I think that we never shall,' he has answered."
Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly recognizes genius . ..
"I wonder!" said he, leaning back and staring at the ceiling. "Perhaps there are points which have escaped your Machiavellian intellect. Let us consider the problem in the light of pure reason."
"When you have one of the first brains of Europe India up against you, and all the powers of darkness at his back, there are infinite possibilities."
Cool, photos, Ace! And also, I love the quotes!
You passed smiles my way today from the moment I turned on my computer. Thanks so much!
Hug you!
Nice photos. I want to go to the Sherlock Holmes museum!
Greetings Talena! I love the lines AC Doyle formed. Brilliant! Aww, That makes me feel glad. =)
Hiya Jenn! Hehe, see. I am sneaky. Those photos are actually of stuff in the souvenier shop. I didn't go to the museum for it costs 15 quid to get in. Saving that for next year when Mark is over. How have you been? You HAVE to blog again. You have to send me baby bump photos!
Congratulations, Rockin' Blogger Girl. I MUST know something - how did you get it to flash like that? HTML code? I must know.
And I really like this:
"It is quite a three pipe problem."
I will want to insert this quote into my life at appropriate times.
easy peasy.
What is it doing? Is it flashing? or blinking?
just use the word blink and then /blink within the two alligator signs.
Life will give you countless opportunities to use that quote. Use it well. Use it at most difficult, confusing times. It will make you laugh :D
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